Otvoren poziv za PUF – Međunarodni kazališni festival koji će se održati u Puli
Međunarodni kazališni festival PUF sa zadovoljstvom objavljuje otvoreni poziv umjetnicima i kompanijama za svoje 31. i 32. izdanje!
- PUF održat će se u Puli od 1. do 5. srpnja 2025. Dio predstava bit će odabran za ovogodišnje izdanje, a dio za 2026. godinu.
PUF promiče suvremeno, angažirano, progresivno i istraživačko kazalište, s naglaskom na interdisciplinarnost i eksperiment. Predstavlja najnovije hrvatske i inozemne predstave koje se bave aktualnim temama i spajaju različite kazališne poetike, estetike i svjetonazore. Osim u pulskim kazalištima, održava se i na raznim gradskim lokacijama čime ih oživljava: kamenolomima, utvrdama, trgovima, tržnicama, sporednim ulicama, parkovima, bivšim proizvodnim pogonima, bivšim vojnim zonama, brodogradilištima…
PUF festival traje pet dana i sadrži zanimljiv, svjež i provokativan program. Sadrži 10 predstava uglavnom neverbalnog kazališta, suvremenog plesa i performansa te bogat prateći program s izložbama, prezentacijama i glazbom. Tako postaje mjesto susreta i razmjene znanja, iskustava i kontakata izvođača, publike, teatrologa, kritičara i novinara.
Open call for the PUF – International Theatre Festival, Pula, Croatia
The International Theatre Festival PUF is delighted to announce the open call for artists and companies for its 31th and 32nd editions!
The 31. PUF will be held in Pula from the 1st to the 5th of July 2025. A part of the performances will be chosen for this year’s edition, and another for 2026.
PUF promotes contemporary, engaged, progressive and research theatre, with emphasis on interdisciplinarity and experimentation. It presents the latest Croatian and foreign performances that deal with current issues and merge different theatrical poetics, aesthetics and worldviews. Except in Pula’s theatres, it is also held in various city locations thus reviving them: quarries, forts, squares, markets, side streets, parks, former production facilities, former military zones, shipyards…
The PUF festival lasts five days and it contains an interesting, fresh and provocative program. It includes 10 performances of mostly non-verbal theatre, contemporary dance and performances, as well as a rich additional program with exhibitions, presentations and music. Thus, it becomes a place for meeting and exchange of knowledge, experiences and contacts between performers, audience, theatre experts, critics and journalists.
About PUF
PUF was created in 1995 as a meeting point for artists who are alternative in terms of their worldview and inner need, and possess a pronounced ability for strong theatrical communication and observation of the contemporary world. It was founded by the directors of four of the best non-institutional Croatian theatres: Branko Sušac from SAKUD Pula and Theatre Dr. Inat, Davor Mojaš from Lero (Dubrovnik), Nebojša Borojevič from Daska (Sisak) and Romano Bogdan from Pinklec (Čakovec). In those war years, they decided to hold it in Pula, a city spared from direct destruction. It was created as a commentary on the Croatian theatrical and non-theatrical reality, and became a place of dialogue, polemic and discussion about the world we live in and our own personal preoccupations, as well as exchange, openness, recognition and participation.
Who can apply?
The open call is intended for Croatian and foreign artists and companies that work primarily within the field of non-verbal and experimental theatre, contemporary dance and performances. Also, every year we present one street performance that creates spectacular theatre. Other forms such as new circus, puppet theatre and street performances can be chosen too if their goal isn’t strictly entertainment and if they satisfy the PUF criteria of engagement, critical approach to the individual and/or societal problematics, artistic research, and elaboration of the concept.
The organizer, SAKUD Pula, provides technical support and covers the costs of accommodation, travel and local transport. For additional information, you can contact us at: puf.sakud@gmail.com.
How to apply?
To apply, you have to fill out the form (https://forms.gle/WA5h9d6aQWZVi6Tp9) until March 16th 2025 at 11:59 p.m. Additional documents (photographs, complete technical list and lighting plan) can be sent on the e-mail puf.sakud@gmail.com.
Selected artists and companies will be notified of the outcome by e-mail by April 15th 2025.